Department of Chemistry Graduate Student Advisory Committee (DCGSAC)

DCGSAC logo Who we are:

The roles played by DCGSAC are diverse;
however, in all  these roles,our goal is to
help the graduate students in the chemistry



We are the ombudpersons for the department, which means we are the first step in arbitration. If you have a problem with your advisor, an instructor, staff member, or with another graduate student, we are available to offer advice and can often assist you in resolving your grievances. In plain terms, we're your allies. We're who you talk to if you have a problem. We've been where you are; we know how stressful it can be, and we know a friendly ear is often needed.

DCGSAC takes action. In response to graduate student concerns, DCGSAC made nighttime parking passes available for graduate students working late. We had lockers installed in the TA office so first year students don't have to carry their books all day. We're even the reason you get paid in August! By letting us know your concerns we can take action for you.

Social Organizer

DCGSAC sponsors a number of activities over the course of the semester, including the spring barbeque, fall picnic, and holiday party, among others. Keep an eye open for flyers and e-mails during the semester advertising these events or check out our DCGSAC Facebook page for a complete listing. These events are a great chance for you to meet your peers and have fun!


Since this first career symposium in 1999, DCGSAC has been dedicated to inviting highly qualified, relevant guest speakers who can inform and enlighten graduate students in chemistry to the many career options available to a PhD chemist. Simultaneously, speakers are selected to help broaden graduate students' career horizons by maintaining a special focus on non-traditional careers. Speakers representing numerous interests and industries have attended, including pharmaceuticals, materials, start-ups, national agencies, and consulting, to name a few.

Anonymous concerns submission form

If you have concerns that you would like addressed, you can let us know by posting them anonymously using this form. All submissions are anonymous and sent directly to DCGSAC. Note: if you require specific assistance, include your email address in the message.