06/17/2024 - Researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, MIT, and Duke collaborate on the development of a simple intuitive tool that can predict the mechanochemical reactivity of C-C bonds in...
06/05/2024 - Priti Kharel, a sixth-year graduate student in the lab of Pinshane Huang, has been awarded the Gary Schuster Mentoring Scholarship, and Prakriti Das, a fifth-year graduate student in the lab of Scott...
06/05/2024 - As the head of the Cancer Nanomedicine Laboratory at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Daniel Heller (PhD, '10) has rapidly become one of the preeminent young scientists in cancer science, but...
05/29/2024 - A research team led by chemistry Prof. Paul Hergenrother and former PhD student Kristen Muñoz (PhD, '23) has developed a new antibiotic that reduced or eliminated drug-resistant bacterial infections...
05/23/2024 - A team from the Department of Chemistry took first place among 12 teams in a cross-campus computational science competition at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications.
05/21/2024 - Chemistry professor Martin Gruebele and composer and software developer Carla Scaletti used sound to investigate hydrogen-bond dynamics during the protein-folding process.
05/17/2024 - Two PhD graduates, Qi Hua and Falon Kalutantirige, were awarded the 2024 Klemperer Award for Outstanding Materials Chemistry Ph.D. Thesis in the Department of Chemistry.
05/17/2024 - Zach Burke Dual degree: Bachelor of Science in chemistry and Bachelor of Science in Astrophysics Undergraduate research: I was in the group of Mikael Backlund where I worked on...
05/16/2024 - Two PhD graduates in the Department of Chemistry — Chi-Herng "Daniel" Hu and Joe Lastowski — were awarded the 2024 Theron Standish Piper Award for outstanding thesis work in inorganic chemistry.
05/13/2024 - Six undergraduate students and two graduate students were honored during the May 12, 2024, Convocation ceremony with various awards, recognizing outstanding achievement.
05/02/2024 - The two chemistry emeritus professors were among a trio of University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign faculty members elected to the National Academy of Sciences, one of the highest honors a scientist...
04/26/2024 - The Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program supports the research and teaching careers of talented young faculty in the chemical sciences.
04/26/2024 - Alcorn is now a postdoctoral researcher in the Materials Physics Division of Sandia National Labs and recently returned to the Illinois campus to receive the Klemperer Award and present his...
04/24/2024 - Through the Kimberly-Clark Right Cycle Program, teaching labs and some research labs in the Department of Chemistry diverted 1.03 tons or 2,278 pounds of PPE waste in 2023, earning the department a...
04/18/2024 - The AAAS selected Prof. Landes “for the development of next-generation tools and models to image and understand dynamics governing separations at soft interfaces at the single analyte limit.”