Contact Information
70 Noyes Lab, Box 59-1
M/C 712
Urbana, IL 61801
Additional Campus Affiliations
Associate Director, Center of Research and Educational Support (CORES) Facilities, School of Chemical Sciences
Recent Publications
Nguyen, D. T., Zhu, L., Gray, D. L., Woods, T. J., Padhi, C., Flatt, K. M., Mitchell, D. A., & van der Donk, W. A. (2024). Biosynthesis of Macrocyclic Peptides with C‑Terminal β‑Amino-α-keto Acid Groups by Three Different Metalloenzymes. ACS Central Science, 10(5), 1022-1032.
Davies, D. W., Graziano, G., Hwang, C., Park, S. K., Liu, W., Yuan, D., Mannsfeld, S. C. B., Wang, S. Y. G., Chen, Y. S., Gray, D. L., Zhu, X., & Diao, Y. (2023). Controlling Polymorphic Transitions in n-Type Organic Semiconductor Single Crystals by Alkyl Chain Engineering. Crystal Growth and Design, 23(2), 719-728.
Blair, D. J., Chitti, S., Trobe, M., Kostyra, D. M., Haley, H. M. S., Hansen, R. L., Ballmer, S. G., Woods, T. J., Wang, W., Mubayi, V., Schmidt, M. J., Pipal, R. W., Morehouse, G. F., Palazzolo Ray, A. M. E., Gray, D. L., Gill, A. L., & Burke, M. D. (2022). Automated iterative Csp3-C bond formation. Nature, 604(7904), 92-97.
Yu, H., Gray, D. L., Woods, T. J., & Moore, J. S. (2022). Trioxazolo[23]metacyclophane: Synthesis, structural analysis, and optical properties. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Structural Chemistry, 78, 81-87.
Basu, D., Gray, D. L., Woods, T. J., Rauchfuss, T. B., Arrigoni, F., & Zampella, G. (2021). Challenges in the Synthesis of Active Site Mimics for [NiFe]-Hydrogenases. Organometallics, 40(19), 3306-3312.