05/22/2023 - The Fannie and John Hertz Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering the most promising innovators in science and technology, has announced the 2023 Hertz Fellows, 15 remarkable...
05/19/2023 - The Chemistry at Illinois graduate, who is the Chief Inclusion Officer at Dow, delivered the keynote address during the Department of Chemistry's May 2023 Convocation Ceremony on the University of...
05/19/2023 - The professor in Chemistry at Illinois discusses the future of electrochemistry and the importance to the field of collaboration with analytical scientists as well as materials scientists, physicists...
05/18/2023 - An Illinois interdisciplinary team including researchers in the Department of Chemistry has developed an electrically powered, metal-free approach as a sustainable way to form carbon-carbon bonds...
05/18/2023 - Jeffrey Moore, Stanley O. Ikenberry Research Professor and Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, and Ying Diao, professor of chemistry, are part of one of the research teams to receive a seed grant for...
05/17/2023 - The St. Elmo Brady Postdoctoral Inclusive Excellence Symposium was created in 2020 to highlight the work of talented postdoctoral researchers from traditionally underrepresented groups by inviting...
05/09/2023 - In a collaborative study that included researchers in the lab of chemistry professor Liviu Mirica, a novel imaging method using DNA-based fluorescent sensors is yielding new insights about the...
05/08/2023 - One of the highest professional honors a scientist can receive, chemistry professor Nancy Makri is among 120 members and 23 international members elected this year to recognize their distinguished...
05/05/2023 - Gifts from University of Illinois emeritus professors Jiri Jonas and Ana Jonas provide critical support for science and medicine at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, including in the...
05/05/2023 - Matthew Boudreau, a graduate student in the research group of chemistry Prof. Paul Hergenrother, received the 2023 Scarborough Award for Graduate/PostGraduate Excellence in Medicinal Chemistry from...
05/01/2023 - A fourth-year graduate student, Anita Wo is the recipient of the Advocate Award, which recognizes an Illinois faculty member, staff member, or student who consistently "walks the walk" and advocates...
04/28/2023 - One of the projects, led by instructional faculty member Elise McCarren, will continue a pilot program that supports the success and retention of underrepresented, first-generation, and rural LAS...
04/26/2023 - The Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning announces list of faculty, instructors, and teaching assistants ranked excellent by students in Fall 2022 courses.
04/26/2023 - A team of scientists at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Rice University and Danville Area Community College has created an affordable laboratory curriculum for teaching advanced data...
04/24/2023 - A fourth-year PhD student in the Mirica Group, Sagnik Chakrabarti is doing exactly what he hoped to do when he was an undergraduate student in India — cutting-edge research that involves making...