Instructions for Preparation of a Bachelor's Thesis (Chemistry 499)

1. A thesis topic should be selected by the student and the research advisor.

2. For instructions concerning thesis format, please see the LAS Honors website. For questions regarding footnotes, table of contents, and bibliography, see your research advisor. Students must follow the LAS formatting rules for all versions of their thesis, including the copy that is given to the research advisor.

3. A completed copy of the thesis should be submitted to the research advisor before the last day of instruction. The research advisor will likely require it earlier, to have enough time to read the thesis and approve it by signing the certification form (red-bordered form; see #5 below). The student should ask the research advisor directly about when the research advisor requires receiving the completed copy of the thesis.

4. The student should fill out the relevant parts of the certification form (red-bordered form), which may be downloaded from the LAS Honors website (URL given above). This form should then be provided to the research advisor along with the completed copy of the thesis.

5. The certification form (red-bordered form) signed by the research advisor and the thesis must be turned in by the student to Heather Schulze in 109 Noyes by the last day of instruction in order to obtain the signature of the Head of the Department. 

6. Once the Head of the Department has signed the certification form (red-bordered form), the student must submit the signed form and thesis to the College of LAS by uploading it on-line using the Senior Thesis Submission Guide. See the LAS Honors website (URL given above) for all instructions about submitting the thesis to the College office. Please contact the College office directly with any questions about this final stage in the thesis submission process, including any deadline for submitting the thesis to the College office.

7. For Chemistry's Distinction requirements, including GPA minima, please see the campus catalog degree requirements for the BS and BSLAS majors.